GISP Benefits

Specific benefits for people holding the GISP® (Certified GIS Professional) certification

Your GITA membership will help you achieve the following certification requirements:

  • Educational - GIS professionals will earn 1 Educational point for every 6 professional development hours. Points can also be obtained through online and instructor-led courses, webinars, and other types of training.
  • Contributions to the Profession - An active professional is capable of attaining a minimum of two Contributions points per year during the three-year renewal period. Points are earned according to the activity values, and approved routes include membership in professional organizations (local, state, regional, national or international), volunteer work, and presentations at conferences.

Membership provides:

  • GIS-Related Professional Association Involvement for GISPs: Being a member of a professional organization in a profession or industry where you focus on GIS activities or education
  • GIS Volunteer Efforts for GISPs: Any form of uncompensated GIS-related work performed in agreement with a service-oriented organization
  • GIS Conference Presentations for GISPs: Giving a presentation at a local, state, regional, national, or international event
  • GIS Volunteer Efforts for GISPs: Any form of uncompensated GIS-related work performed in agreement with a service-oriented organization
  • GIS Awards Received for GISPs: Awards for excellence in GIS proficiency that may be bestowed by a variety of sources